LD 1858
pg. 1
LD 1858 Title Page An Act to Amend the Possession of Firearms by Felons Page 2 of 2
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LR 2116
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 15 MRSA §394 is enacted to read:

§394.__Restoration of right to possess firearm

1.__Possession prohibited.__A person may not own, possess or
have under that person's control a firearm if that person is
convicted of a Class D or Class E crime of domestic violence.

2.__Domestic violence.__For purposes of this section, a person
is convicted of a crime of domestic violence if that person is
convicted of a crime in which:

A.__The person used or attempted to use physical force, or
threatened to use a deadly weapon; and

B.__The person:

(1)__Is a current or former spouse, parent or guardian
of the victim;

(2)__Has a child in common with the victim;

(3)__Is cohabiting with or has cohabited with the
victim as a spouse, parent or guardian; or

(4)__Has a relationship to the victim similar to that
of a spouse, parent or guardian of the victim.

3.__Applicable convictions.__A person may not be considered to
have been convicted of a Class D or Class E crime of domestic
violence for purposes of this section, unless:

A.__The person was represented by counsel in the case or
knowingly and intelligently waived the right to counsel in
the case; and

B.__In the case of a prosecution for an offense described in
this section for which a person was entitled to a jury trial
in the jurisdiction in which the case was tried, either:

(1)__The case was tried by a jury; or

(2)__The person knowingly and intelligently waived the
right to have the proceeding tried by a jury by
entering a guilty plea or otherwise.

4.__Rights restored.__The prohibition mandated under
subsection 1 terminates, and the person's rights to own, possess

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