LD 1858
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Possession of Firearms by Felons LD 1858 Title Page
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LR 2116
Item 1

or have under that person's control a firearm are restored
automatically upon the date that the person is finally discharged
from the sentence imposed as a result of the conviction.


This bill prohibits the use, possession and control of a
firearm by a person convicted of certain Class D or Class E
crimes of domestic violence. The prohibition lasts until the
person has served the sentence resulting from the conviction.

A crime of domestic violence is defined as a crime in which:

1. The person used or attempted to use physical force, or
threatened to use a deadly weapon; and

2. The person and the victim have or had a family-like
relationship. Specifically, the person committing the crime must
be a current or former spouse, parent or guardian of the victim;
a person with whom the victim has a child; or a person who is
cohabiting with or has cohabited with the victim as a spouse,
parent or guardian or has a similar relationship.

In addition, the person who was convicted must have had the
assistance of counsel in the proceeding or must have knowingly
and intelligently waived the assistance of counsel. A final
requirement is that if the person had a right to a jury trial for
the domestic violence prosecution, then the case must have been
tried by a jury or the person must have knowingly and
intelligently waived the right to a trial by jury.

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