LD 1860
pg. 1
LD 1860 Title Page An Act Allowing the Appointment of Temporary Guardians of Minors Page 2 of 2
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LR 2029
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 18-A MRSA §5-204-A is enacted to read:

§5-204-A.__Appointment of temporary guardian

(a)__Upon appropriate petition, the court may exercise the
power of a guardian or may enter an ex parte order appointing a
temporary guardian for a minor when an emergency exists and no
other person appears to have authority to act in the
circumstances.__The petition must be accompanied by an affidavit
that sets forth the factual basis for the emergency and the
specific powers requested by the proposed guardian.__In the order
and in the letters of temporary guardianship, the court shall
specify the powers and duties of the temporary guardian, limiting
the powers and duties to those necessary to address the

(b)__If the court takes action to exercise the powers of a
guardian or to appoint a temporary guardian under subsection (a),
then the court, within 2 days of taking the action, excluding
Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, shall appoint a visitor or
a guardian ad litem to visit the minor, the legal custodian, if
any, and the parents of the minor and make a report to the court
within 10 days of the appointment.

(c)__Notice of the appointment must be made to the parents of
the minor and the custodian within 3 days of the appointment,
excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.

(d)__If the court has exercised temporary guardianship powers
or has issued an ex parte order under subsection (a) and if it
comes to the court's attention, through the report of the visitor
or guardian ad litem or otherwise, that the legal custodian or
the parents of the minor wish to object to the ex parte order,
the court shall hold an expedited hearing within 21 days of the
entry of the ex parte order.__The objecting parent or legal
custodian is entitled to court-appointed legal counsel if

(e)__At the expedited hearing, the court may render a judgment
authorizing the temporary guardianship to continue for a period
not to exceed 6 months from the date of entry of the ex parte
order under subsection (a).__The temporary guardianship
terminates on the date specified in the order or, if no date is
specified in the order, 6 months following the date of entry of
the ex parte order or at any prior time if the court determines
the circumstances leading to the order for temporary guardianship
no longer exist.

(f)__If the court denies the request for an ex parte order
pursuant to subsection (a), the court may enter, in its
discretion, an order for an expedited hearing pursuant to
subsection (c).__If the petitioner requests the entry of an order

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