LD 1860
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Allowing the Appointment of Temporary Guardians of Minors LD 1860 Title Page
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LR 2029
Item 1

of temporary guardianship pursuant to subsection (a) without
requesting an ex parte order, the court may hold an expedited
hearing pursuant to subsection (d).

(g)__If an appointed guardian is not effectively performing
that guardian's__duties and the court finds that the welfare of
the minor requires immediate action, it may appoint, with or
without notice, a temporary guardian for the minor for a
specified period not to exceed 6 months.

(h)__A temporary guardian has the care and custody of the
minor and the authority of any permanent guardian previously
appointed by the court is suspended as long as a temporary
guardian has authority.__A temporary guardian may not remove the
minor from the State.__A temporary guardian may be removed at any
time.__A temporary guardian shall make any report the court
requires.__In other respects, the provisions of this Code
concerning guardians apply to temporary guardians.

(i)__A petition for temporary guardianship may be brought
before any judge if the judge of the county in which venue
properly lies is unavailable.__If a judge other than the judge of
the county in which venue properly lies acts on a petition for
temporary guardianship, that judge shall issue a written order
and endorse upon it the date and time of the order.__The judge
shall then immediately transmit or cause to be transmitted that
order to the register of the county in which venue properly lies.__
An order issued by a judge of a county other than the county in
which venue properly lies is deemed to have been entered in the
docket on the date and at the time endorsed upon it.


This bill authorizes the Probate Court to appoint a temporary
guardian for a minor when an emergency exists. This provision is
similar to the current law concerning appointment of temporary
guardians for incapacitated adults. The process includes
allowing the minor, the parents or a legal custodian, if there is
one, to contest the appointment in an expedited hearing. The
guardianship is for a maximum of 6 months.

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