LD 1864
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LD 1864 Title Page An Act Concerning the Political Use of Union Dues Page 2 of 2
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LR 1895
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §§636 and 637 are enacted to read:

§636.__Deduction from wages for use as contribution or

1.__Prohibited deductions.__An employer or other person
responsible for the disbursement of funds in payment of wages may
not deduct any funds from an employee's wages that the employer
or other person knows or has reason to know will be used in whole
or in part as a contribution or expenditure, as defined in Title
21-A, section 1012, unless the employee has requested the
deduction in writing on the form described in subsection 2 within
the previous 12 months.

2.__Authorization form.__The request for deduction required in
subsection 1 must be made on an authorization form prescribed by
the Commissioner of Labor.__At a minimum, the form must contain
the name of the employee, the name of the employer, the total
annual amount that may be withheld for a contribution or
expenditure and the employee's signature.__The form's title must
read, in at least 24-point bold type, "Request for Political
Payroll Deductions."__The form must also state in at least 14-
point bold type the following words immediately above the
signature line:

Signing this form authorizes your employer to make a
deduction from your paycheck that is intended to be used as
a political contribution or expenditure.__You are not
obligated to authorize this deduction.__Your signature below
is completely voluntary and can not in any way affect your

3.__Recordkeeping. The employer shall maintain records
including a copy of each employee's request, the amounts and
dates funds were actually withheld, the amounts and dates funds
were transferred to an entity for use as a contribution or
expenditure and the entity to which the funds were transferred.

4. Waiver prohibited.__The requirements of this section may
not be waived by an employee and waiver of these requirements may
not be made a condition of employment or continued employment.

§637.__Use of union dues for contributions or expenditures

1.__Prohibited uses.__A labor organization may not use any
portion of dues or fees paid to it by members of the labor
organization or by other individuals to make contributions or
expenditures, as defined in Title 21-A, section 1012, unless the
use is authorized by the member or other individual by written

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