LD 1866
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Reform the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law Page 4 of 4
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LR 2606
Item 1

D.__Regeneration activities.__If the understory is
understocked or clear-cut, the plan must ensure that the
stand has adequate vegetative cover to minimize nutrient
leaching within a year and that the stand is adequately
stocked with acceptable trees of commercial species within 5
years of the cut.

Rules adopted under this subsection are major substantive rules
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

3.__Chemical pesticide use.__The plan must avoid activities
that create an increased likelihood of severe insect, disease or
brush problems.__The plan must include a presumption against
chemical pesticide use pursuant to Title 22, section 1471-X,
which establishes a policy to minimize reliance on pesticides.

4.__Forest management concerns.__The plan must be consistent
with other minimum management standards, benchmarks or best
management practices established by a state-authorized board,
committee, council or agency concerning roads, trails, deer
yards, riparian zones, yards or other forest management concerns.

5.__Certified.__The plan must be prepared by a licensed
professional or a landowner and be reviewed and certified by a
licensed professional forester as consistent with this section
and with sound silvicultural practices.

6.__Subdivision.__If any land to which a forest management and
harvest plan applies is subdivided, a new plan that meets the
requirements of this section must be created for the separate
parcels within one year.

7.__Reclassification.__The tax assessor shall consider all
forest harvesting that does not meet the basic silvicultural
requirements as determined by the Maine Forest Service under
Title 12, section 8004 to be inconsistent with long-term forest
management and the intent of this chapter and shall follow the
procedures under section 581 to withdraw the parcel or portion of
the parcel from tree growth classification and assess penalties.__
Land withdrawn from the program due to noncompliance will not
qualify for reentry into the program for at least 5 years.


This bill establishes specific criteria for forest management
plans that are necessary to qualify for tree growth
classification under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law. These
criteria are consistent with the purpose of the Maine Tree Growth
Tax Law of taxing all forest lands according to their

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