LD 1867
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Amend the InforME Laws Page 3 of 4
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LR 2825
Item 1

(2) Fees for premium services must be reasonable but
sufficient to support the maximum amount of information
and services provided at no charge.

(3) The board may establish fee schedules that include
no charge for designated services for one or more
specified classes of users. If services are to be
provided at no charge to libraries, the services must
be provided to libraries designated as depository
libraries for government documents pursuant to 44
United States Code, Chapter 19 and to any other
libraries the board designates.

(4) Fees must be sufficient to ensure that, to the
extent possible, data custodians do not suffer loss of
revenues from sources that are approved or authorized
by law due to the operations of InforME.

(5) Fees must be sufficient to ensure that data
custodians are reimbursed for the actual costs of
providing data to InforME.

(6) Fees must be sufficient to meet the expenses of
the board;.

(7)__The board shall require the network manager to
provide access to premium services at no charge to
libraries, the Legislature, the Office of the Governor
and the Judicial Department.__The minimum number of
connections to be provided is 5 for libraries, 10 for
the Legislature, one for the Office of the Governor and
2 for the Judicial Department.

(8)__The board may not approve a premium service fee
unless the data custodian agrees to the fee;

Sec. 6. 1 MRSA §535, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 713, §1, is
amended to read:

1. Criteria and specifications; contract terms. The Director
of the Bureau of Information Services within the Department of
Administrative and Financial Services, in consultation with the
board and the Department of the Attorney General, shall develop
criteria and specifications for a network manager and its duties.
The director shall develop and release a request for proposal to
solicit bids from private entities including nonprofit entities
to serve as the network manager. Bidding must be conducted by an
open, competitive process. The director shall develop the terms
and conditions of the contract, which must be reviewed and
approved by the Attorney General.__The

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