LD 1867
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Amend the InforME Laws Page 4 of 4
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LR 2825
Item 1

contract must be for an initial term of one year and renewable for
an additional 2 years if both parties agree.__The contract must
include at least the following:

A. Perpetual licensing to the board of software and other
intellectual property developed by the network manager for
use by InforME; and

B. Procedures ensuring that executive branch and
semiautonomous state agencies comply with the standards and
policies adopted by the Information Services Policy Board. ;

C.__An opt-out provision allowing the State to cancel the
contract at any time upon payment of reasonable expenses of
the network manager incurred to date.

Sec. 7. 1 MRSA §536, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 713, §1, is
amended to read:

5. InforME network manager responsibilities. The network
manager is responsible for:

A. Transmitting or providing access to public information;

B. Providing reasonable safeguards to protect
confidentiality to the level required by law; and

C. Providing notices and disclaimers that include at least
the following:

(1) How to address concerns if the public information
appears to be inaccurate; and

(2) That InforME assumes no role for monitoring the
information content to determine if it is accurate,
complete or current. ; and

D.__Ensuring that information transmitted through the
network does not become inaccurate as a result of
manipulation or customizing of the information in the
process of producing premium service.


This bill amends the InforME Public Information Access Act in
the following ways:

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