LD 1867
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Amend the InforME Laws LD 1867 Title Page
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LR 2825
Item 1

1. It adds a member who represents the interests of the
Legislature to the InforME Board and makes a representative of
the Judicial Department appointed by the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Judicial Court a voting member;

2. It requires the Department of the Attorney General to
provide legal services to the InforME Board;

3. It requires the attendance of 9 voting members to
constitute a quorum and the affirmative vote of 9 members to take
any action of the InforME Board;

4. It requires free access to premium services to be provided
to libraries, the Legislature, the Governor and the Judicial
Department and requires the approval of the data custodian for
any premium service fee;

5. It requires consultation with the Attorney General for the
development of job criteria for a network manager. Bidding for
the position is required to be open and competitive. The
Attorney General is required to review and approve a proposed
contract with a network manager. The bill requires a one-year
initial term and an opt-out provision for any contract; and

6. It requires the network manager to ensure that any
information transmitted through the network does not become
inaccurate as a result of manipulation or customizing of the
information in the process of developing a premium service.

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