LD 1871
pg. 4
Page 3 of 8 An Act to Revise Procedures for Probation Revocation Page 5 of 8
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LR 1586
Item 1

representative, may file with any court a motion for revocation of
probation. The motion must incorporate the written statement
prepared pursuant to subsection 3 and must be accompanied by an
application for a summons ordering the person to appear before the
court for a hearing on the alleged violation. The motion and the
application must be filed without unnecessary delay. A copy of the
motion must be furnished to the person on probation.

Sec. 3. 17-A MRSA §§1205-B and 1205-C are enacted to read:

§1205-B.__Commencement of probation revocation proceedings by


1.__If a probation officer has probable cause to believe that
a person on probation has violated a condition of probation, that
officer may deliver to that person, or cause to be delivered to
that person, a summons ordering that person to appear for a court
hearing on the alleged violation.

2.__The summons delivered pursuant to subsection 1 must
include the signature of the probation officer; a brief statement
of the alleged violation; the time and place of the alleged
violation; and the time, place and date the person is to appear
in court or a statement that the court will notify the person of
the time, place and date to appear.__As soon as practical after
service of the summons, the probation officer shall file with the
court a motion for revocation of probation that sets forth the
facts underlying the alleged violation.

3.__A person appearing on a motion to revoke probation
pursuant to a summons must be afforded an initial appearance as
provided in section 1205-C, subsection 4.

4.__If the person fails to appear in court after having been
served with a summons, the court may issue a warrant for the
arrest of the person.__After arrest, the person must be afforded
a preliminary hearing as provided in section 1205 and, if
retained in custody, section 1205-C, subsection 3 applies.

§1205-C.__Initial proceedings on probation violation; filing of

motion; initial appearance

1.__A motion for probation revocation must be filed within 5
days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, of the arrest of
a probationer pursuant to section 1205.

2.__The motion must set forth the facts underlying the alleged
violation and be accompanied by the written statement prepared
pursuant to section 1205-A, subsection 3 or by a copy of the
summons delivered to the probationer.

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