LD 1884
pg. 1
LD 1884 Title Page An Act to Create a Matching Grant Fund to Provide Technical Assistance to Small... Page 2 of 3
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LR 2494
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 10 MRSA c. 110, sub-c. XI is enacted to read:




As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Authority.__"Authority" means the Finance Authority of

2.__Fund.__"Fund" means the Small Wood Products Manufacturers
Fund established in section 1100-Z.

3.__Small business.__"Small business" means a forest products
manufacturer engaged in primary or secondary wood processing in
the State that has fewer than 150 full-time, year-round

§1100-Z.__Small Wood Products Manufacturers Fund

1.__Fund established.__There is established the Small Wood
Products Manufacturers Fund to be administered by the authority.__
The fund provides matching grants to small businesses to provide
technical assistance to foster innovation, develop new markets or
develop new technologies.__The grants must be used to reduce risk
and permit access to specific technical expertise for product,
technology or business development that is not generally
available to small businesses.__The fund is a revolving,
nonlapsing fund.

2.__Selection criteria.__The authority shall adopt rules for
the selection of eligible businesses for grants.__These rules
must include the following selection criteria:

A.__The stated purpose of the small business for the grant
funding is limited to developing a new product, new market
or new technology or a business plan that will increase
competitiveness and foster employment; and

B.__The application of the small business must include the use of
the grant for specific technical or business expertise from a
person or organization not employed by the small business, with
preference given to an application that

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