LD 1888
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to Development and Centralized Listing of Mun... Page 4 of 4
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LR 1342
Item 1

proposed ordinance that will be reviewed at the hearing at
least 30 days before the date of the hearing.

E.__At the public hearing, representatives of the department
must be provided an opportunity to present and discuss for
the municipality's information any reports, articles,
treatises or similar materials published by acknowledged
experts in the field of sound forestry or silvicultural
management to the extent such information is relevant to the
proposed ordinance or ordinance amendment.

The proposed ordinance or ordinance amendment may be revised
after the public hearing.__The ordinance or amendment must
be submitted to the legislative body of the municipality in
accordance with the procedures the municipality uses for
adopting ordinances.

F.__Municipal timber harvesting ordinances may not be
unreasonable, arbitrary or capricious and must employ means
appropriate to the protection of public health, safety and

G.__All direct costs incurred by a municipality associated
with landowner notification requirements and other required
public notice must be paid to the municipality in accordance
with a distribution schedule established under Title 30-A,
section 5685, subsection 5.__All direct costs incurred by a
municipality in order to comply with this subsection for the
amendment of ordinances adopted before September 1, 1990
must be paid to the municipality in accordance with a
distribution schedule established under Title 30-A, section
5685, subsection 5.

The proposed ordinance may be revised after the public hearing.
The revised ordinance or the proposed ordinance, if no changes
are made following the public hearing, must be submitted to the
legislative body of the municipality in accordance with the
procedures the municipality uses for adopting ordinances.

The department must provide a municipality guidance on how the
municipality may use sound forestry practices to achieve its
timber harvesting goals.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §8869, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 555, §10, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

9.__Centralized listing of municipal ordinances.__The bureau
shall maintain for informational purposes a statewide centralized

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