LD 1888
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to Development and Centralized Listing of Mun... LD 1888 Title Page
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LR 1342
Item 1

listing of municipal ordinances that specifically apply to forest

A.__Within 30 days after the legislative body of the
municipality votes on a timber harvesting ordinance
developed according to the procedures of subsection 8, the
clerk shall notify the bureau of the outcome and shall file
a copy of the ordinance with the bureau.


This bill amends the laws relating to development of municipal
timber harvesting ordinances by requiring the ordinances to be
consistent with the definitions of forestry terms established in
the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 8868 as well as
those in rules adopted by the Department of Conservation. It
also specifies a 90-day period within which the validity of the
adoption of a timber harvesting ordinance may be challenged based
on an alleged failure to comply with certain notice requirements.
It also makes minor changes to the notice and hearing procedures
for adopting municipal timber harvesting ordinances.

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