LD 1889
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Amend the Maine Milk Laws Page 3 of 4
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LR 816
Item 1

definitions and labeling requirements set forth in this chapter;
except that containers of milk and cream shall also bear the name
and address of the Maine licensed milk dealer and sufficient
information to identify the milk plant where packaged as required
by section 2903.

Sec. 5. 7 MRSA §2901-B, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 663, §1, is

Sec. 6. 7 MRSA §2901-B, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Definitions.__As used in sections 2900, 2901-B and 2902,
unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have
the following meanings.

A.__"Milk" means the lacteal secretion, practically free
from colostrum, obtained by the complete milking of one or
more healthy cows, goats or sheep.

B.__"Milk products" includes cream, light cream, light
whipping cream, heavy cream, heavy whipping cream, whipped
cream, whipped light cream, sour cream, acidified sour
cream, cultured sour cream, milk, butter, evaporated milk,
sweetened condensed milk, nonfat dry milk solids, half and
half, sour half and half, acidified sour half and half,
cultured sour half and half, concentrated milk and milk
products, skim milk, reconstituted or recombined milk and
milk products, low-fat milk, light milk, reduced fat milk,
homogenized milk, frozen milk concentrate, eggnog, cultured
milk, cultured reduced fat milk, cultured light milk,
cultured low-fat milk, cultured skim milk, buttermilk,
yogurt, reduced fat yogurt, light yogurt, low-fat yogurt,
nonfat yogurt, cottage cheese, creamed cottage cheese,
acidified milk, acidified reduced fat milk, acidified light
milk, acidified low-fat milk, acidified skim milk, low-
sodium milk, low-sodium reduced fat milk, low-sodium light
milk, low-sodium low-fat milk, low-sodium skim milk,
lactose-reduced milk, lactose-reduced reduced fat milk,
lactose-reduced light milk, lactose-reduced low-fat milk,
lactose-reduced skim milk, aseptically processed and
packaged milk and milk products, milk, reduced fat milk,
light milk, low-fat milk and skim milk with added safe and
suitable microbial organisms, any other milk product made by
the addition or subtraction of milk fat or addition of safe
and suitable optional ingredients for protein, vitamin or
mineral fortification of milk products, frozen desserts and
frozen dessert mix, cheese and any other products designated
as milk products by the commissioner.

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