LD 1890
pg. 15
Page 14 of 16 An Act to Establish a Patients' Bill of Rights for Managed Care Page 16 of 16
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LR 1804
Item 1

required by law based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin,
religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual
orientation, genetic information or source of payment.

2.__Construction.__This section may not be construed to relate
to eligibility, the offer or guarantee of coverage, the
application of pre-existing condition exclusions or premiums
charged under a health plan or managed care plan.

§4315.__Remedy for carrier's failure to exercise ordinary care

1.__Application.__The following requirements apply.

A.__A carrier shall exercise ordinary care when making
health care treatment decisions and is liable for damages
for harm to an enrollee proximately caused by the carrier's
failure to exercise ordinary care.

B.__A carrier is also liable for damages for harm to an
enrollee proximately caused by the health care treatment
decisions made by its:



(3)__Ostensible agents; or

(4)__Representatives who are actually on the carrier's
behalf and over whom it has the right to exercise
influence or control or has actually exercised
influence or control that resulted in the failure to
exercise ordinary care.

C.__Paragraphs A and B do not create an obligation on the
part of the carrier to provide to an enrollee treatment that
is not covered by the health or managed care plan.

D.__A carrier may not assert as a defense to an action
brought pursuant to this section any law of this State that
prohibits a carrier from practicing medicine or being
licensed to practice medicine.

2.__Limitations on cause of action.

A.__A person may not maintain a cause of action under this
section against a carrier unless the affected enrollee has
exhausted the applicable grievance and appeals process including
external appeals.__ If the carrier fails to comply with any of
the deadlines for completion of grievances or

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