LD 1890
pg. 8
Page 7 of 16 An Act to Establish a Patients' Bill of Rights for Managed Care Page 9 of 16
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LR 1804
Item 1

relevant, any basis in the terms or conditions of
the plan or coverage; and

(e)__Inform the enrollee of the enrollee's rights
to seek further review by the courts, or other
process, of the external appeal determination.

This subsection may not be construed as removing or limiting any
legal rights of enrollees and others under state or federal law,
including the right to file judicial actions to enforce rights.

A decision under this subsection is not considered final agency
action pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter VII.

Sec. 17. 24-A MRSA §4305, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 673, Pt.
C, §1 and affected by §2, is amended to read:

1. Internal quality assurance program. A health plan carrier
that subjects plan benefits to review for medical necessity or
appropriateness must have an ongoing quality assurance program
for the health care services provided or reimbursed by the health
plan carrier that meets the following requirements.

A.__The carrier has a separate identifiable unit with
responsibility for administration of the program.

B.__The carrier has a written plan for the program that is
updated annually and that specifies at least the following:
the activities to be conducted; the organizational
structure; the duties of the medical director; and criteria
and procedures for the assessment of quality.

C.__The program provides for systematic review of the types
of health services provided, the consistency of services
provided with good medical practice and patient outcomes.

D. The program:

(1)__Uses criteria that are based on performance and
patient outcomes when feasible and appropriate;

(2)__Includes criteria that are directed specifically
at meeting the needs of at-risk populations and
enrollees with chronic conditions or severe illnesses,
including gender-specific criteria and pediatric-
specific criteria when available and appropriate; and

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