LD 1890
pg. 9
Page 8 of 16 An Act to Establish a Patients' Bill of Rights for Managed Care Page 10 of 16
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LR 1804
Item 1

(3)__Includes methods for informing enrollees of the
benefits of preventive care and the specific preventive
care benefits that are covered under the plan.

E.__The program has procedures for the reporting of possible
quality concerns by providers and enrollees and for remedial
actions to correct quality problems, including written
procedures for responding to concerns and taking appropriate
corrective action.

F.__The program provides for an analysis of the carrier's
performance on quality measures using data that include the
data collected under section 4302.

Sec. 18. 24-A MRSA §§4310 to 4316 are enacted to read:

§4310.__Access to specialty care

1.__Obstetrical and gynecological care.__If a carrier requires
or provides for an enrollee to designate a participating primary
care provider:

A.__The carrier shall permit a female enrollee to designate
a participating provider__who specializes in obstetrics and
gynecology as that enrollee's primary care provider; or

B.__If a female enrollee has not designated such a provider
as a primary care provider, the carrier:

(1)__May not require authorization or a referral by the
enrollee's primary care provider for coverage of
primary, preventive or therapeutic obstetrics and
gynecologic services indicated for women's health care
or required as a result of any gynecological
examination or as a result of a gynecologic condition
that are performed by a participating provider who
specializes in obstetrics and gynecology, including a
certified nurse practitioner or a certified nurse
midwife, to the extent those services are otherwise

(2)__May treat the ordering of other gynecological care
by such a participating provider as the authorization
of the primary care provider with respect to that care
under the plan or coverage; and

(3)__May require such a participating provider to
provide a written notice of services and any treatment
plan to the female enrollee's primary care provider.

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