LD 1902
pg. 1
LD 1902 Title Page An Act to Allow Emergency Room Personnel to Search Patients Who have Threatened... LD 1902 Title Page
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LR 1871
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §1718 is enacted to read:

§1718.__Search patients

An emergency room physician or a registered nurse or designee
may conduct a search of a patient to determine whether the
patient possesses any article or substance that may be used to
harm the patient or others in the following circumstances:

1.__Threat to inflict injury. The patient has made a threat
to inflict injury upon the patient or others; or

2.__Under influence of drugs or alcohol.__The attending
physician or nurse has reason to believe that the patient is
under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


This bill authorizes certain emergency room personnel to
search a patient who may pose a threat to the patient or others.

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