LD 1903
pg. 1
LD 1903 Title Page Resolve, to Study the Needs of Maine Veterans and Their Families Page 2 of 2
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LR 2815
Item 1

Sec. 1. Study commission established. Resolved: That the Commission to
Study the Needs of Maine Veterans and Their Families, referred to
in this resolve as the "commission," is established. The
commission consists of 8 members, as follows:

1. Five members appointed by the Governor as follows:

A. Two representatives of statewide associations
representing veterans;

B. One representative of the State Employee Health Program;

C. The Commissioner of Human Services or the commissioner's
designee; and

D. The Adjutant General of the Maine National Guard or the
designee of the Adjutant General; and

2. Three members of the Legislature appointed as follows:

A. One member of the Joint Standing Committee on Legal and
Veterans Affairs appointed by the President of the Senate;

B. One member of the Joint Standing Committee on Legal and
Veterans Affairs and one member of the Joint Standing
Committee on Health and Human Services appointed by the
Speaker of the House; and be it further

Sec. 2. Duties. Resolved: That the commission shall study the needs
of veterans in this State and their families, the expansion of
services now offered and methods of reimbursement for limited and
nonservice-connected injuries and illnesses through Medicaid,
health maintenance organizations and other 3rd-party payors. The
commission shall study allowing spouses and dependent children of
veterans to be treated by the Department of Veterans Affairs,
Medical and Regional Office Center and the clinics and mobile van
services provided by the hospital. The commission shall invite
the following persons to participate in the study on a basis
equal to that of the members of the commission:

1. The members of the Congressional Delegation; and

2. The Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs,
Medical and Regional Office Center or the director's designee.

The commission shall conduct public hearings and provide
opportunities for input to veterans and their families; and be it

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