LD 1906
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Maine Administrative Procedure Act Pertaining to Major Subs... LD 1906 Title Page
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Item 1

subsection 1, paragraph B and submit the rule to the Legislature
for review and authorization for final adoption as provided in this
section. The rule has legal effect only after review by the
Legislature followed by final adoption by the agency.

Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §8072, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 463, §2, is
amended to read:

8. Final adoption; effective date. Unless otherwise provided
by law, final adoption of a rule by an agency must occur within
60 days of the effective date of the legislation approving that
rule or of the adjournment of the session at which that rule is
reviewed if no legislation is enacted. Finally adopted rules
must be filed with the Secretary of State as provided in section
8056, subsection 1, paragraph B and notice must be published as
provided in section 8056, subsection 1, paragraph D. An agency
rule authorized by the Legislature becomes effective 30 days
after filing with the Secretary of State or at a later date
specified by the agency. A provisional rule for which fewer than
6 requests to delay enforcement have been received under
subsection 1 is effective as provided in that subsection and
continues in effect following review of the Legislature if the
Legislature does not require a change in the rule or disapprove
the rule.__If the Legislature requires a change or changes in the
rule, the agency must finally adopt and file the rule and it
takes effect as provided in this subsection.


This bill amends the Maine Administrative Procedure Act to
require that a major substantive rule that has been provisionally
adopted by an agency may be enforced by the agency pending review
by the Legislature unless the agency receives requests from at
least 6 members of the public that the agency not enforce the
rule until legislative review is complete.

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