LD 1908
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish as an Employee Any Person Who Collects Signatures on Petiti... LD 1908 Title Page
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LR 1406
Item 1

signatures pursuant to the Constitution of Maine, Article IV,
Part Third, Sections 19, 20 and 21.__Any person who is paid a
wage, salary or anything of value to collect signatures as
provided in this paragraph is an employee and subject to all
the rights, privileges and protections of employees as
provided in this Title;

Sec. 4. 36 MRSA §5103 is enacted to read:

§5103.__Employers of circulators of direct initiative and

veto petitions

For the purposes of Part 1, any person, firm or organization
responsible for the collection of signatures on petitions for
direct initiative or people's veto legislation that pays anything
of value to persons to collect these signatures pursuant to the
Constitution of Maine, Article IV, Part Third, Sections 19, 20
and 21 is subject to the provisions of Part 1 that apply to

Sec. 5. 39-A MRSA §102, sub-§11, ķA, as amended by PL 1997, c. 600, §§3
and 4, is further amended by amending the first paragraph to

A. "Employee" includes officials of the State and officials
of counties, cities, towns, water districts and all other
quasi-public corporations of a similar character, every duly
elected or appointed executive officer of a private
corporation other than a charitable, religious, educational
or other nonprofit corporation, and every person in the
service of another under any contract of hire, express or
implied, oral or written, and circulators of petitions as
provided in Title 21-A, section 903-B, except:


This bill provides that any person who is paid a wage, salary
or anything of value to collect signatures on petitions for
direct initiative or people's veto legislation is an employee of
any person, firm or organization that has contracted,
subcontracted or agreed to provide for the collection of these
signatures. As employees, circulators of petitions will be
afforded the protection of Maine's labor and workers'
compensation laws. Employers will be responsible for the payment
of unemployment insurance workers' compensation insurance, and
withholding taxes. This bill does not apply to any person or
organization that, without payment of any kind, circulates
petitions for direct initiative and people's veto legislation.

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