LD 1922
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Establish the Maine Internet Policy Act LD 1922 Title Page
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LR 1809
Item 1

obtaining an Internet service provider account for the purpose of
gathering e-mail addresses for the purpose of spamming; and

D. Establishing civil and criminal penalties for persons who
assist spamming by facilitating the transmission of falsified e-
mail or the distribution of specially designed software that aids

5. The regulation of hate mail and pornography by:

A. Directing an appropriate agency to establish a web site
through which information and recommendations are provided to
parents, guardians, local officials and others on specific
problems involving the protection of children from inappropriate
material over the Internet;

B. Requiring all public and publicly funded institutions to
establish a management system and policy for Internet access
within their institutions;

C. Making it at least a Class C crime for the on-line
dissemination of obscene or harmful material for the purpose of
inducing children to engage in or perform sexual acts; and

D. Making it at least a Class C crime to post on a
pornographic Internet site information about a child's identity;

6. The regulation of other crimes by:

A. Clarifying that a crime in the nondigital domain is a
crime in the electronic environment;

B. Empowering law enforcement agencies to establish
procedures for the investigation and prosecution of crimes
committed using the Internet;

C. Amending the rules of evidence to include Internet-related
activities; and

D. Requiring law enforcement agencies to establish Internet
sites to receive reports of suspected illegal activities over the

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