LD 1926
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LR 2857
Item 1

successful programs in other states and countries to secure the
highest discounts and rebates available;

3. Seek to obtain the best prices for all Maine's citizens
requiring outpatient prescription drugs and obtain prescription
drugs with the least administrative and regulatory burden on
manufacturers, distributors and state agencies; and

4. Gather and publicize outpatient prescription retail drug
prices in Maine and show prices of comparable prescription drugs
found in other states and countries including Canada, the United
Kingdom and Australia; and be it further

Sec. 9. Report. Resolved: That the committee shall submit its
findings, together with any recommendations, including
legislation, to the Governor and the Joint Standing Committee on
Health and Human Services by December 1, 1999.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.


This resolve establishes Maine's Business Advisory Committee
on Prescription Drug Costs and Efficiencies. The advisory
committee shall conduct a study concerning outpatient
prescription drug prices in the State and will obtain comparable
pricing from other states and countries. The advisory committee
shall create model discount and rebate agreements using existing
pharmaceutical discount purchasing and assistance programs such
as those offered through Medicaid, the United States Department
of Veterans Affairs, public health services and other successful
programs in other states and countries to secure the highest
discounts and rebates available on prescription drugs.

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