LD 1927
pg. 1
LD 1927 Title Page An Act to Ensure that an Eligible Work Force is Promptly Certified for Trade Ac... Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §1043, sub-§5, ¶B, as corrected by RR 1991, c. 1, §35,
is amended by repealing and replacing subparagraph (2) to read:

(2)__Who is eligible for or who has exhausted, after the
effective date of this paragraph, trade adjustment
allowances as provided by the United States Trade Act
of 1974, Title II, Chapter 2, Public Law 93-617, United
States Code, Title 19, Section 2291, et seq. and any
amendments or additions to or similar successor
provisions of that Act, referred to in this
subparagraph as the "Act," except that:

(a)__A worker who was eligible for and received
less than 26 weeks of benefits under the Act may
receive benefits for the number of weeks by which
that worker's benefits received under that Act
were less than 26 weeks; or

(b)__A worker who was unable to enroll in training
after certification because of a continuing part-
time attachment to the affected employer is
eligible to receive benefits under this paragraph
after the worker has exhausted any other benefit
under this subchapter and trade readjustment
allowances under the Act for which the worker is
eligible.__A worker described in this subdivision
is eligible to receive benefits under this
paragraph for the number of weeks necessary, in
combination with other weeks for which the worker
participated in approved training and received
weekly cash assistance for any program under this
subchapter, to enable the worker to participate in
104 weeks of training, no more than 26 weeks of
which may be benefits received under the Act; or

Sec. 2. 26 MRSA §1191, sub-§4, ¶A, as amended by PL 1987, c. 570, §2,
is further amended by repealing and replacing subparagraph (2),
division (c) to read:

(c)__Who is eligible for or who has exhausted, after the
effective date of this paragraph, trade adjustment allowances as
provided by the United States Trade Act of 1974, Title II,
Chapter 2, Public Law 93-617, United States Code, Title 19,
Section 2291, et seq. and any amendments or additions to or
similar successor provisions of

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