LD 1933
pg. 1
LD 1933 Title Page An Act to Promote Sharing of Information Between Schools and Criminal Justice A... LD 1933 Title Page
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LR 2175
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 15 MRSA §3308, sub-§7, ¶B-2 is enacted to read:

B-2.__A school may disseminate information regarding a
juvenile if:

(1)__The juvenile has been adjudicated as having
committed a juvenile crime;

(2)__The information is disseminated by and to:

(a)__Persons who directly supervise or report on
the health, behavior or progress of the juvenile;

(b)__The superintendent of the juvenile's school
or the superintendent's designees;

(c)__Criminal justice agencies; or

(d) Agencies that are or might become responsible
for the health or welfare of the juvenile as a
result of a__court order or by agreement with the
Department of Corrections or the Department of
Human Services; and

(3)__The information is relevant to and disseminated
for the purpose of creating or maintaining an
individualized plan for the juvenile's rehabilitation.

Any information received under this paragraph is
confidential and may not be further disseminated, except as
otherwise provided by law.


Current law allows a juvenile court to disseminate information
about a juvenile offender to a criminal justice agency and the
juvenile's school.

This bill also allows the juvenile's school to disseminate
information about the juvenile to the court and a criminal
justice agency under certain conditions. The information remains
confidential and may not be further disseminated.

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