LD 1941
pg. 14
Page 13 of 15 An Act Regarding Involuntary Commitment for Substance Abuse Page 15 of 15
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LR 1459
Item 1

treatment, the administrator or admitting physician shall, not
later than 15 days prior to the expiration of a period of
commitment ordered by the court, make an application in accordance
with this section to the District Court that has territorial
jurisdiction over the treatment facility for another hearing to be
held pursuant to the procedures of subsection 5 and the following.

A.__The court may issue an order for an additional period of
involuntary treatment upon completion of the hearing or the
court may take the matter under advisement and issue an
order within 24 hours of the hearing.

B.__If the court does not issue an order for an additional
period of involuntary treatment within 24 hours of
completion of the hearing, the court shall dismiss the
application and order the discharge of the person.

8.__Appeals.__A person ordered by the District Court to be
committed to an approved treatment facility may appeal from that
order to the Superior Court subject to the following.

A.__The appeal may be on questions of law only.

B.__A finding of fact of the District Court may not be set
aside unless clearly erroneous.

C.__The order of the District Court remains in effect
pending the appeal.

D.__The District Court Civil Rules and the Maine Rules of
Civil Procedure apply to the conduct of the appeals.

9.__Transportation.__Unless otherwise directed by the court,
the sheriff of the county in which the District Court has
jurisdiction and in which the hearing takes place shall provide
transportation for the person to any approved treatment facility
to which the court has committed the person.

10.__Expenses.__With the exception of expenses incurred by the
applicant pursuant to subsection 5, paragraph F, the office is
responsible for any expenses incurred under this section,
including fees of appointed counsel, witness and notice fees and
expenses of transportation for the person.

§20045-E.__Unauthorized absence

A person who is involuntarily committed pursuant to this
subchapter__and leaves an approved treatment facility prior to

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