LD 1941
pg. 4
Page 3 of 15 An Act Regarding Involuntary Commitment for Substance Abuse Page 5 of 15
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LR 1459
Item 1

3. Outpatient or intermediate treatment. If a person receiving
residential inpatient care leaves an approved treatment facility,
that person must be encouraged to consent to appropriate outpatient
or intermediate treatment.

4. Discharge. If a person leaves an approved treatment
facility, against the advice of the administrator in charge of
the facility and that person does not have a home, the patient
must be assisted in obtaining shelter. If a person leaves an
approved treatment facility against the advice of the
administrator in charge of the facility and the administrator in
charge of the facility believes that the patient is a chemically
dependent person who is incapacitated, the administrator shall
arrange for the preparation of an emergency treatment order
pursuant to section 20045-A at the time of discharge.

5. Length of stay. A person who by medical examination is
found to be incapacitated by alcohol or other drugs may not be
detained at a facility once that person is no longer considered
to be incapacitated by alcohol or other drugs.__A person found to
be incapacitated by alcohol or psychoactive substances may not be
held for more than 18 hours after admission as a patient, unless
committed pursuant to section 20045-B.

6. Further diagnosis and voluntary treatment. If the
administrator of the treatment facility determines that further
diagnosis and treatment are for the patient's benefit, the
patient must be encouraged to agree to further diagnosis and
appropriate voluntary treatment.

7. Official duty. A law enforcement officer who acts in
compliance with this section is acting in the course of that
officer's official duties and may not be criminally or civilly
liable for actions taken under this section.

Sec. 5. 5 MRSA §§20045-A to 20045-E are enacted to read:

§20045-A.__Involuntary treatment and services for chemically

dependent persons who pose a likelihood of serious

and imminent harm to themselves

1.__Health care professionals or other persons.__If a licensed
or certified health care professional or other person has
reasonable grounds to believe, based upon personal observation,
that a chemically dependent person is incapacitated, the health
care professional or other person may bring that person to a
licensed physician for an examination under section 20045-B for
the purpose of obtaining an emergency treatment

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