LD 1953
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act to Fully Fund Primary and Secondary Education in the State Page 4 of 4
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LR 1934
Item 1

Sec. A-8. 36 MRSA §1862, as amended by PL 1987, c. 772, §24, is

Sec. A-9. 36 MRSA §1863, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 503, is

Sec. A-10. 36 MRSA §2012, as amended by PL 1967, c. 88, is

Sec. A-11. 36 MRSA §2013, sub-§§2 and 3, as amended by PL 1993, c. 151,
§1, are repealed.

Sec. A-12. 36 MRSA §2014, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 560, §§4 and 6,
is repealed.


Sec. B-1. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from
the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Part.



General Purpose Aid

for Local Schools

All Other$400,000,000$400,000,000

Provides funds to increase
state funding for primary and
secondary education in Maine.
These funds must be distributed
with funds already appropriated
for this purpose as follows:
Total funds available are
divided by the total number of
students in kindergarten and
grades one to 12. The
resulting per pupil amount is
multiplied by the pupil
enrollment of each school
administrative unit, the
product of which is the State's
subsidy for that unit.

Sec. B-2. Department of Education; report. No later than

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