LD 1953
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Fully Fund Primary and Secondary Education in the State LD 1953 Title Page
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LR 1934
Item 1

December 1, 1999, the Department of Education shall submit the
legislation necessary to implement this Part to the Legislature.


Sec. C-1. Sales tax and use tax reduction. Any revenues that result from
the repeal of the sales and use tax exemptions in Part A that are
not necessary for the funding of primary and secondary education
in Part B must be used to reduce the sales tax and use tax rates.
The Governor shall submit legislation to the Second Regular
Session of the 119th Legislature to implement the rate changes.


Part A of this bill repeals all the sales and use tax

Part B of the bill, using additional revenue available by the
repeal of the exemptions in Part A, provides additional state
funding for primary and secondary education and a new method to
distribute this total school subsidy amount. Part B also
requires the Department of Education to submit the legislation
necessary to implement the proposed new subsidy distribution to
the next session of the Legislature.

Part C of this bill requires that the revenue from the repeal
of sales and use tax exemptions that is not required for
education funding must be used to reduce the sales and use tax

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