LD 1965
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act to Establish the Maine Dental Education Loan Program Page 5 of 6
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LR 1867
Item 1

year of service, the unserved obligation penalty is equal to the
number of months in the full period of obligated service multiplied
by $1,000.

Any amount the authority is entitled to recover must be paid
within one year of the date the authority determines that the
loan recipient is in breach of the written contract.

7.__Deferments.__Deferments may be granted for causes
established by rule of the authority.__Interest at a rate to be
determined by rule of the authority must be assessed during the
deferment.__The student's total debt to the authority, including
principal and interest, must be repaid either through return
service or cash payments.__The chief executive officer shall make
determinations of deferment on a case-by-case basis.__The
decision of the chief executive officer is final.

§12303.__Nonlapsing fund

1.__Fund created.__A nonlapsing, interest-earning, revolving
fund under the jurisdiction of the authority is created to carry
out the purposes of this chapter.__Any unexpended balance in the
fund carries over for continued use under this chapter.__The
authority may receive, invest and expend, on behalf of the fund,
money from gifts, grants, bequests and donations in addition to
money appropriated or allocated by the State.__Loan repayments
under this chapter or other repayments to the authority must be
invested by the authority, as provided by law, with the earned
income to be added to the fund.__Money received by the authority
on behalf of the fund, except interest income, must be used for
the designated purpose; interest income may be used for the
designated purpose or to pay student financial assistance
administrative costs incurred by the authority for the operation
of the program.

2.__Allocation of repayments.__The authority may reallocate a
portion of the annual loan repayments for the purpose of
recruiting dentists for underserved areas.__That portion may be

A.__To generate additional matching funds for recruitment of
dentists for underserved areas;

B.__In accordance with criteria established by the
authority, to encourage dentists to practice in underserved
areas; or

C.__To repay education loans for the dental education of
licensed dentists to enable the dentists to practice in
underserved areas.

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