LD 1967
pg. 7
Page 6 of 8 An Act to Assign Responsibility for Juveniles Who Are Not Receiving Schooling ... Page 8 of 8
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LR 2523
Item 1

B. Removal of an exceptional student from the regular
educational environment shall may occur only if the nature
or severity of the exceptionality is such that the student's
education cannot can not be satisfactorily accomplished in:

(1) Regular classes with the use of supplemental aids and
services; or

(2) Self-contained classes within the regular school
programs.; or

(3)__The regular classroom because the student's
behavior interferes with the education of other

Removal may also be used as discipline for an exceptional

Sec. 17. 20-A MRSA §7201, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 693, §§5
and 8, is amended to read:

4. Parent's right to be a member of the team. Parents,
surrogate parents or guardians have the right to be a member
members of the team which that will carry out duties and
responsibilities in accordance with rules established by the
commissioner. A parent, surrogate parent or guardian and an
appropriate law enforcement official must be members of the team
for a student with behavioral problems.

Sec. 18. 20-A MRSA §7207-A, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Recommendation and appointment.__The principal shall
make a recommendation to the superintendent for appointment of a
surrogate parent for a student if the principal believes such an
appointment is necessary.__The superintendent shall appoint a
surrogate parent for a student if the superintendent or the
student's team determines that such an appointment is necessary.


This bill requires a school that expels or suspends a student
or places a student on early release to provide day-long
supervision for the student during the period of expulsion,
suspension or early release. The supervision requirement also
applies to habitual truants and dropouts. In the case of a
student who has been expelled, suspended for more than 10% of a
school semester's days or placed on early release or who is an
habitual truant or dropout, the school must notify the Department
of Human Services and local law enforcement officials. The

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