LD 1967
pg. 6
Page 5 of 8 An Act to Assign Responsibility for Juveniles Who Are Not Receiving Schooling ... Page 7 of 8
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LR 2523
Item 1

administrative unit, who is an habitual truant or a dropout or who
has been placed on early release.

§5122.__School supervision

A school administrative unit shall provide supervision for
each removed student.__The supervision must occur over the length
of each school day during the period of the student's expulsion,
suspension or early release.__School work, physical training,
school maintenance and community service may be required of a
student under supervision.__A student who fails to comply with
supervision may be considered truant.

§5123.__Services for students in need

1.__Notification.__The school administrative unit of a student
in need of services shall notify the department and local law
enforcement officials, providing them with the names and
addresses of the student and the student's parents.

2.__Department plan.__Upon notification under subsection 1,
the department shall contact the parents of the student in need
of services.__The department and the parents, in consultation
with local law enforcement officials, shall prepare and implement
a plan to meet the student's unmet needs that are interfering
with school attendance, work or appropriate behavior.__The
parents of a student in need of services shall contribute to the
cost of implementing the plan developed under this subsection
unless the department determines that the parents' financial
situation precludes such a contribution.__Failure of a parent to
participate constructively in the planning and implementation
required by this subsection may be considered grounds for
appointing a surrogate parent under section 7207-A.__A student
who fails to participate in the plan developed under this
subsection may be considered truant.

§5124.__Funding for school change

If a plan prepared and implemented under section 5123,
subsection 2 includes educating a student in a school
administrative unit other than the unit for the area where the
student's parents reside or in an approved private program, the
school administrative unit for the area where the student's
parents reside shall pay the cost of educating the student in
another school administrative unit.

Sec. 16. 20-A MRSA §7201, sub-§2, ¶B, as enacted by PL 1981, c. 693,
§§5 and 8, is amended to read:

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