LD 1970
pg. 12
Page 11 of 17 An Act to Address the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund Page 13 of 17
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LR 3037
Item 1

paid in accordance with a determination,
redetermination or decision pursuant to section 1194,
except upon the ground that the services for which
benefits were found to be chargeable did not constitute
services performed in employment for the employer and
only when the employer was not a party to the
determination, redetermination or decision or to any
other proceedings under this chapter in which the
character of the services was determined.__The employer
must be promptly notified of the commission's denial of
the employer's application or the commission's
redetermination, both of which are subject to appeal
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter VII; and

(2)__Provide each employer at least monthly with a
notification of benefits paid and chargeable to the
employer's experience rating record.__In the absence of
an application for redetermination filed in the manner
and within the period prescribed by the commission, a
notification is conclusive and binding upon the
employer for all purposes.__A redetermination made
after notice and opportunity for hearing and the
commission's findings of fact may be introduced in
subsequent administrative or judicial proceedings
involving the determination of the rate of
contributions of an employer for the 12-month period
commencing January 1st of any year and has the same
finality as provided in this section with respect to
the findings of fact made by the commission in
proceedings to redetermine the contribution rates of an

Sec. 10. 26 MRSA §1221, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1985, c. 348, §11, is
further amended to read:

6. Definitions. The following words terms, as used in this
section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context
already requires otherwise indicates.

A. "Computation date" shall be means June 30th of each
calendar year, and the reserve ratio of each employer
entitled to this section shall be is determined by the
commissioner as of that date.

B. "Effective date" shall be means the date on which the
new rates shall become effective and shall be is January 1st
of each calendar year.

C. "Fund reserve ratio" means the percentage obtained by
dividing the net balance available for benefits payments as

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