LD 1970
pg. 11
Page 10 of 17 An Act to Address the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund Page 12 of 17
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LR 3037
Item 1

(5)__The commissioner shall determine the contribution
rates effective for a rate year by multiplying the
predetermined yield by the experience factors for each
contribution category.__Contribution category 20 in the
table in subparagraph (2) must be assigned a contribution
rate of at least 5.4%.__The employer's experience factor
is the percentage shown in column C in the table in
subparagraph (2) that corresponds with the employer's
contribution category in column A, except that the
experience factors in column E must be used to determine
the contribution rates for rate years 2000 and 2001 and
those in column D must be used for rate years 2002 and

(6)__If, subsequent to the assignment of contribution
rates for a rate year, the reserve ratio of an employer
is recomputed and changed, the employer must be placed
in the position on the schedule prepared pursuant to
subparagraph (1) that the employer would have occupied
had the corrected reserve ratio been shown on the
schedule.__The altered position on the schedule does
not affect the position of any other employer.

(7)__In computing the contribution rates, only the
wages reported by employers liable for payment of
contributions into the fund and net benefits paid that
are charged to an employer's experience rating record
or to the fund are considered in the computation of the
average benefit cost rate and the ratio of total wages
to taxable wages.

C.__The commissioner shall:

(1)__Promptly notify each employer of the employer's
rate of contributions as determined for the 12-month
period commencing January 1st of each year.__The
determination is conclusive and binding upon the
employer unless within 30 days after notice of the
determination is mailed to the employer's last known
address or, in the absence of mailing, within 30 days
after the delivery of the notice, the employer files an
application for review and redetermination, setting
forth the employer's reasons.__If the commission grants
the review, the employer must be promptly notified and
must be granted an opportunity for a hearing.__An
employer does not have standing in any proceedings
involving the employer's rate of contributions or
contribution liability to contest the chargeability to
the employer's experience rating record of any benefits

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