LD 1970
pg. 4
Page 3 of 17 An Act to Address the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund Page 5 of 17
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LR 3037
Item 1

be used by the commissioner either for the payment of costs of
administration which that are found not to have been properly and
validly chargeable against federal grants or other funds received
for or in the Employment Security Administration Fund on or after
January 1, 1943, to finance the Maine Wage Assurance Fund
established in section 632; or for the payment of costs of
administering chapter 26, for which federal funds are not
available, except that on or before June 30, 1991, the Commissioner
of Labor is authorized to transfer $100,000 of this fund to General
Fund undedicated revenues; or to fund activities that will improve
the solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund. The money must
be available either to satisfy the obligations incurred by the
bureau directly or by requesting the Treasurer of State to transfer
the required amount from the Special Administrative Expense Fund to
the Employment Security Administration Fund or the Maine Wage
Assurance Fund. The Treasurer of State shall upon receipt of a
written request of the commissioner make any such transfer. The
commissioner shall give notice to the commission prior to any
expenditures from this fund. The commissioner shall order the
transfer of the funds or the payment of any such obligation and the
funds must be paid by the Treasurer of State on requisitions drawn
by the commissioner directing the State Controller to issue the
State Controller's warrant therefor for them. Any such The warrant
must be drawn by the State Controller based upon bills of
particulars and vouchers certified by an officer or employee
designated by the commissioner. The money in this fund is
specifically made available to replace, within a reasonable time,
any money received by this State pursuant to section 302 of the
Federal Social Security Act as amended that, which because of any
action or contingency, has been lost or has been expended for
purposes other than, or in amounts in excess of, those necessary
for the proper administration of the Employment Security Law. The
money in this fund must be continuously available to the
commissioner for expenditure in accordance with this section and
may not lapse at any time or be transferred to any other fund
except as provided. Any money in the Special Administrative
Expense Fund may be used to make refunds of interest, penalties or
fines erroneously collected and deposited in the Special
Administrative Expense Fund. On June 30th of each year all money
in excess of $100,000 in this fund must be transferred to the
Unemployment Compensation Fund, except that on June 30, 1986, all
money in excess of $100,000 in this fund must be placed in a
Dislocated Workers Fund to be used in fiscal year 1986-87 to
provide training and supportive services for persons displaced from
employment by imports in accordance with chapter 26. Eligibility
for assistance is not related to an individual's income or

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