LD 1970
pg. 5
Page 4 of 17 An Act to Address the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund Page 6 of 17
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LR 3037
Item 1

Sec. 6. 26 MRSA §1191, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 745, §1, is
further amended to read:

2. Weekly benefit amount for total unemployment. Each
eligible individual establishing a benefit year on or after
October 1, 1983 and before January 1, 2000 who is totally
unemployed in any week must be paid with respect to that week
benefits equal to 1/22 of the wages, rounded to the nearest lower
full dollar amount, paid to that individual in the high quarter
of the base period, but not less than $12. Each eligible
individual establishing a benefit year on or after January 1,
2000 who is totally unemployed in any week must be paid with
respect to that week benefits equal to 1/22 of the average of the
wages, rounded to the nearest lower full dollar amount, paid to
that individual in the 2 highest quarters of the base period.
The maximum weekly benefit amount for claimants requesting
insured status determination beginning October 1, 1983 and
thereafter from June 1st of a calendar year to May 31st of the
next calendar year may not exceed 52% of the annual average
weekly wage, rounded to the nearest lower full dollar amount,
paid in the calendar year preceding June 1st of that calendar
year. No increase in the maximum weekly benefit amount may occur
for the period from June 1, 1992 to October 28, 1995. For the
periods from October 29, 1995 to May 31, 1997 and period from
September 28, 1997 to December 31, 1999, the maximum weekly
benefit amount is limited to 94% of the amount calculated
previously in this subsection, rounded to the nearest lower full
dollar amount. For claimants requesting insured status
determination on or after April 1, 1993 and before January 1,
1995, the weekly benefit amount must be the amount determined by
this subsection minus $6. For claimants requesting insured
status determination on or after April 1, 1995 and before January
1, 2000, the weekly benefit amount must be the amount determined
by this subsection minus $3.

Sec. 7. 26 MRSA §1193, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1973, c. 555, §14, is
further amended to read:

6. Has falsified. For any week for which the deputy finds
that the claimant made a false statement or representation
knowing it to be false or knowingly fails failed to disclose a
material fact in his the claimant's application to obtain
benefits, and in.__In addition, the claimant shall be is
ineligible to receive any benefits for a period of not less than
6 months nor more than one year from the mailing date of the
determination, and the commissioner shall assess a penalty of 50%
of the benefits falsely obtained for the first occurrence, 75%
for the 2nd occurrence and 100% for the 3rd and any subsequent
occurrences; or

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