LD 1978
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act to Support the Graduate Education of Speech Pathologists for Maine Schoo... Page 4 of 5
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LR 2393
Item 1

In no event may an individual receive Teachers Educators for
Maine loans or Blaine House Scholars Program loans totaling more
than $6,000.

Sec. 9. 20-A MRSA §12505, as amended by PL 1995, c. 117, Pt. E, §8
and affected by §13, is further amended to read:

§12505. Eligibility requirements

1. Eligibility for postsecondary education loans. A
postsecondary education loan may be given only to a high school
graduate, or the equivalent, who is a resident of the State, who
has been recognized as a Teachers Educators for Maine loan
recipient and who has met other eligibility criteria established
by rule of the authority. Preference must be given to students
enrolled in a program that has been determined to be an
underserved subject area.

2. Eligibility for graduate study or continuing education
loans. A graduate study or continuing education loan may be
given only to a teacher or speech pathologist in a Maine school
who has met other eligibility criteria established by rule of the
chief executive officer. Preference must be given to teachers of
subjects determined to be underserved.

3. Eligibility for postbaccalaureate certification. A loan
to a student pursuing postbaccalaureate teacher certification may
be given only to a resident of the State who has shown academic
achievement, who has a baccalaureate degree, who is not eligible
for a loan for graduate study or continuing education pursuant to
subsection 2, and who has met other eligibility criteria
established by rule of the authority.

Sec. 10. 20-A MRSA §12507, first ¶, as amended by PL 1995, c. 117, Pt.
E, §9 and affected by §13, is further amended to read:

Each graduating high school senior or college student who
receives a loan may cancel the total amount of the loan by
completing one year of return services in the public schools or
private schools approved for tuition purposes in the State for
each year the individual receives a loan. The return service
requirement is one year for every 2 years or less that the
individual receives a loan if return service is performed in
underserved subject areas or in teacher educator shortage areas.
Return service for this purpose must be performed within 5 years
of graduation from the institution of higher education. If the
chief executive officer grants a deferment, the time period for
performance of return service may be extended for the same period
as the deferment. Return service may not be credited for the
same semester for which an individual receives a loan pursuant to
this chapter. Failure to fulfill the return service option
necessitates repayment to the authority as follows.

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