LD 1978
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act to Support the Graduate Education of Speech Pathologists for Maine Schoo... Page 5 of 5
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LR 2393
Item 1

Sec. 11. 20-A MRSA §12508, as amended by PL 1997, c. 24, Pt. G, §2, is
further amended to read:

§12508. Repayment and return service provisions - loans

for teachers and speech pathologists and students

pursuing postbaccalaureate certification

Each recipient of a loan designated for students pursuing
postbaccalaureate teacher certification may cancel the total
amount of the loan by completing one year of return service for
each year a loan is received in the public schools or private
schools approved for tuition purposes in the State. The return
service requirement is one year of return service for 2 loans
received if return service is performed in underserved subject
areas or in teacher educator shortage areas. Return service for
this purpose must be performed within 3 years of graduation from
the institution of higher education or completion of the course
or courses for which the funds were given. In no event may
return service be credited for the same semester for which an
individual receives a loan pursuant to this chapter. An
individual receiving loan forgiveness for a loan for a
postbaccalaureate teacher certification loan may not receive loan
forgiveness for any undergraduate loan simultaneously. If the
chief executive officer grants a deferment, the time period for
performance of return service may be extended for the same period
as the deferment. Failure to fulfill the return service option
will necessitate repayment to the authority as follows.

1. Debt calculation. The debt must include the total amount
of the loan less the amount, if any, that has been canceled by
return service.

2. Time for repayment. The total debt must be repaid to the
authority within 3 years of graduation from the institution of
higher education or courses for which the funds were given or
within 3 years of repayment of any other loans made pursuant to
this chapter. If the chief executive officer grants a deferment,
the time period may be extended up to the period of the
deferment. A repayment schedule including due dates must be set
by the chief executive officer.

3. Deferment. A recipient of a loan may seek a deferment of
the annual payments for a period or periods as established by the
chief executive officer who shall make a determination on a case-
by-case basis. The chief executive officer may grant a deferment
in the event that a recipient of a loan evidences intent to teach
or practice speech pathology and inability to secure employment
necessary to obtain forgiveness of the loan at the time the
deferment is sought. The chief executive officer shall require
certification of the intent annually and grant a one-year
deferment for each successful request for deferment. A

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