LD 1981
pg. 3
Page 2 of 9 An Act to Revise the Accountancy Laws Page 4 of 9
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LR 1479
Item 1

changed from time to time. The board shall prescribe by rule the
methods of applying for and conducting the examination, including
methods for grading papers and determining a passing grade required
of an applicant for a certificate, except that the board, to the
extent possible, shall see to it that the grading of the
examination and the passing grades are uniform with those
applicable in all other states. The board may make the use of all
or any part of the Uniform certified public accountant Examination
and the Advisory Grading Service of the American Institute of
certified public accountants or any other examination approved by
the board and may contract with 3rd parties to perform such
administrative services with respect to the examination as it
considers appropriate to assist it in performing its duties under
this section.

Sec. 6. 32 MRSA §12228, sub-§§12 to 16 are enacted to read:

12.__Substantial equivalency.__The board shall determine the
standards for substantial equivalency.__The board may rely upon a
determination by a qualification appraisal service offered by a
national association of state boards of accountancy that an
applicant meets the requirements for substantial equivalency.

13.__Foreign designation.__The board shall issue a certificate
to a holder of a substantially equivalent foreign designation as
long as:

A.__The foreign authority that granted the designation makes
similar provisions to allow a person who holds a valid
certificate issued by this State to obtain that foreign
authority's comparable designation;

B.__The foreign designation:

(1)__Was duly issued by a foreign authority that
regulates the practice of public accountancy, and the
foreign designation has not expired or been revoked or

(2)__Entitles the holder to issue reports upon
financial statements; and

(3)__Was issued upon the basis of education,
examination and experience requirements established by
the foreign authority or by law; and

C.__The applicant:

(1)__Received the foreign designation, which is based
on education and examination standards substantially
equivalent to those in effect in this State at the time
the foreign designation was granted;

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