LD 1981
pg. 4
Page 3 of 9 An Act to Revise the Accountancy Laws Page 5 of 9
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LR 1479
Item 1

(2)__Completed an experience requirement, substantially
equivalent to the requirement set out in subsection 10 in
the jurisdiction that granted the foreign designation or
has completed 4 years of professional experience in this
State or meets equivalent requirements prescribed by the
board by rule within the 10 years immediately preceding
the application; and

(3)__Passed a uniform qualifying examination on
national standards and an examination on the laws,
regulations and code of ethical conduct in effect in
this State acceptable to the board.

14.__Action by foreign jurisdiction.__An applicant under
subsection 13 shall in an application for a certificate list all
jurisdictions, foreign and domestic, in which the applicant has
applied for or holds a designation to practice public
accountancy.__Each holder of a certificate issued under
subsection 13 shall notify the board in writing, within 30 days
after its occurrence, of any issuance, denial, revocation or
suspension of a designation or commencement of a disciplinary or
enforcement action by any jurisdiction.

15.__Authority.__The board has the sole authority to interpret
the application of subsections 13 and 14.

Sec. 7. 32 MRSA §12229 is enacted to read.

§12229.__Licensees offering or rendering services in another


A licensee of this State offering or rendering services or
using the title, certified public account, in another state is
required to register in that state and is subject to disciplinary
action in this State for an act committed in another state for
which the licensee would be subject to discipline in the other
state.__Notwithstanding section 12227, subsection 1, the board
must investigate any complaint made by a board of accountancy of
another state.

Sec. 8. 32 MRSA §12240, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1995, c. 353, §25, is
further amended to read:

4. Examination; administration. The examination to be passed
as a condition for the granting of a certificate must be in
writing or in electronic form, be held twice a year and be the
public accountant examination prepared by the National Society of
Public Accountants or any other examination approved by the
board. The time for holding examinations must be fixed by the
board and may be changed from time to time. The board shall
prescribe by rule the methods of applying for and conducting the

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