LD 1986
pg. 1
LD 1986 Title Page An Act to Authorize Sly Brook to Secede from Eagle Lake and to Deorganize Page 2 of 2
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LR 986
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. Authorization for Sly Brook to secede and deorganize. Sly Brook, now a
part of Eagle Lake, Aroostook County, having provided the
Legislature with the information required by the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 30-A, chapter 113, subchapter II, is authorized
to secede from Eagle Lake and to deorganize.

Sec. 2. Unexpended school funds. The treasurer of the Town of Eagle
Lake or any other person who has custody of the funds of the town
shall pay to the Treasurer of State a portion of all of the Town
of Eagle Lake's unexpended school funds proportional to the
number of students attending schools who reside in Sly Brook
compared to the number who reside in the rest of Eagle Lake that,
together with the credits due the town for school purposes, are
to be used by the State Tax Assessor to settle any school
obligations contracted by the town on behalf of the residents of
Sly Brook before deorganization. Any unexpended school funds
remaining with the Treasurer of State after all the obligations
have been met must be returned to the Town of Eagle Lake.

Sec. 3. Withdrawal from Maine School Administrative District No. 27. Sly Brook
is not part of Maine School Administrative District No. 27.

Sec. 4. Provision of education services. This section entitles all
kindergarten to grade 12 pupils in Sly Brook to attend schools in
Eagle Lake. Pupils must be provided transportation at state
expense to those schools.

Sec. 5. Assessment of taxes. The State Tax Assessor shall assess the
real and personal property taxes in Sly Brook as of April 1, 1999
as provided in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 36, chapter 115.

Sec. 6. Referendum; certificate to Secretary of State. Notwithstanding the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 7209, the municipal
officers of the Town of Eagle Lake shall submit this Act to the
legal voters residing in Sly Brook by ballot at a special
election held as soon as practicable after the effective date of
this Act. This election must be called, advertised and conducted
according to Title 30-A, sections 2528 and 2532. The town clerk
shall prepare the ballots on which the clerk shall reduce the
subject matter of this Act to the following question:

"Do you favor the deorganization of Sly Brook?"

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