LD 2223
pg. 7
Page 6 of 18 An Act to Encourage Continuous Improvement in Pollution Prevention in Maine ... Page 8 of 18
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LR 3120
Item 1

The plan may include a description of any pollution prevention
strategies implemented at the facility after 1991 and before

Owners and or operators of facilities shall keep a complete
copy of the plan and any back-up backup data on the premises of
that facility for at least 5 years and make the copy and data
available to the commissioner or the commissioner's designee upon

Sec. 9. 38 MRSA §2305-A is enacted to read:

§2305-A.__Progress reports

Beginning in 2000, the owner or operator of a facility subject
to the requirements of this chapter shall submit a biennial
pollution prevention progress report to the department by July
1st of every even-numbered year.__The progress report may be
submitted to the department in an electronic format.__A progress
report must include the following:

1.__Facility goals.__Each of the facility's 2-year numeric
goals established in the plan.__If any of the goals has been
revised since the previous progress report was submitted, the
report must include an explanation of the revision;

2.__Progress achieved.__A quantitative statement of the
facility's progress toward achieving each of its 2-year goals and
an identification, in absolute amounts and per unit of product,
of the reduction or increase in the amount of each extremely
hazardous substance used, toxics released and hazardous waste
generated in comparison to the previous 2 years;

3.__Method.__A description of the techniques used to achieve
each reduction identified pursuant to subsection 2;

4.__Explanation.__An explanation of why the facility's
progress is greater than or less than that anticipated in the
pollution prevention plan schedule for implementation;

5.__Employee involvement.__A description of employee
notification and involvement in the planning process;

6.__Future pollution prevention methods.__A description, for
each production unit, of the pollution prevention techniques that
the owner or operator of the facility intends to undertake during
the next 2 years to reduce the use of extremely hazardous
substances, to reduce the release of toxic substances and to
reduce the generation of hazardous waste and a schedule for the
implementation of the techniques; and

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