LD 2223
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Page 7 of 18 An Act to Encourage Continuous Improvement in Pollution Prevention in Maine ... Page 9 of 18
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Item 1

7.__Certification.__A written certification signed by a senior
official with management responsibility for the person or persons
completing the progress report that the owner or operator of the
facility has prepared a pollution prevention plan and that the plan
is available on site for the department's inspection.

A progress report may exclude any information entitled to
protection as confidential information or a trade secret pursuant
to section 1310-B or Title 37-B, section 800.

Sec. 10. 38 MRSA §2306, as amended by PL 1991, c. 520, §15, is
further amended to read:

§2306. Employee and host municipality notification

Six months prior to the date when a reduction pollution
prevention plan or update must be completed, the owner or
operator of each facility must shall notify all of its employees
of the requirements for the plans, identify the toxic substances
and hazardous wastes and production units for which plans must be
developed and solicit comments or suggestions from all employees
on involve employees in developing the pollution prevention plan
or update, including the identification of toxics use, toxics
release and hazardous waste reduction options. In a facility in
which employees are represented by a labor organization, employee
representatives who work at the facility and who are selected by
the labor organization shall be involved in the development of
the plan.__In a facility in which employees are not represented
by a labor organization, the employee involvement requirement
must be met through employee representation on committees or
groups formed to develop the plan.__A description of the employee
notification process and employee involvement must be included in
the progress report submitted in accordance with section 2305-A.

The owner or operator of a facility shall notify the municipal
officers of the municipality in which the facility is located of
the facility's pollution prevention efforts and shall provide the
municipal officers with a copy of the progress report when it is
submitted to the department.

Sec. 11. 38 MRSA §2307, as amended by PL 1991, c. 520, §16, is

Sec. 12. 38 MRSA §2307-A is enacted to read:

§2307-A.__Authority to review; modification

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