LD 2245
pg. 314
Page 313 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 315 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

2. Precautionary Filing. Occasionally, doubts arise concerning
whether a transaction creates a relationship to which this Article
or its filing provisions apply. For example, questions may arise
over whether a "lease" of equipment in fact creates a security
interest or whether the "sale" of payment intangibles in fact
secures an obligation, thereby requiring action to perfect the
security interest. This section, which derives from former Section
9-408 [Maine cite section 9-1408], affords the option of filing of
a financing statement with appropriate changes of terminology but
without affecting the substantive question of classification of the

3. Changes from Former Section 9-408. This section expands
the rule of Section 9-408 to embrace more generally other
bailments and transactions, as well as sales transactions,
primarily sales of payment intangibles and promissory notes. It
provides the same benefits for compliance with a statute or
treaty described in Section 9-311(a) [Maine cite section 9-1311,
subsection (1)] that former Section 9-408 provided for filing, in
connection with the use of terms such as "lessor," consignor,"
etc. The references to "owner" and "registered owner" are
intended to address, for example, the situation where a putative
lessor is the registered owner of an automobile covered by a
certificate of title and the transaction is determined to create
a security interest. Although this section provides that the
security interest is perfected, the relevant certificate-of-title
statute may expressly provide to the contrary or may be
ambiguous. If so, it may be necessary or advisable to amend the
certificate-of-title statute to ensure that perfection of the
security interest will be achieved.

As does Section 1-201, former Article 9 referred to
transactions, including leases and consignments, "intended as
security." This misleading phrase created the erroneous
impression that the parties to a transaction can dictate how the
law will classify it (e.g., as a bailment or as a security
interest) and thus affect the rights of third parties. This
Article deletes the phrase wherever it appears. Subsection (b)
[Maine cite subsection (2)] expresses the principle more
precisely by referring to a security interest that "secures an

4. Consignments. Although a "true" consignment is a
bailment, the filing and priority provisions of former Article 9
applied to "true" consignments. See former Sections 2-326(3), 9-
114. A consignment "intended as security" created a security
interest that was in all respects subject to former Article 9.
This Article subsumes most true consignments under the rubric of
"security interest." See Sections 9-102 [Maine cite section

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