LD 2245
pg. 315
Page 314 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 316 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

9-1102] (definition of "consignment"), 9-109(a)(4) [Maine cite
section 9-1109, subsection (1), paragraph (d)], 1-201(37)
(definition of "security interest"). Nevertheless, it maintains
the distinction between a (true) "consignment," as to which only
certain aspects of Article 9 [Maine cite Article 9-A] apply, and
a so-called consignment that actually "secures an obligation," to
which Article 9 [Maine cite Article 9-A] applies in full. The
revisions to this section reflect the change in terminology.

§9-1506.__Effect of errors or omissions

(1)__A financing statement substantially satisfying the
requirements of this part is effective, even if it has minor
errors or omissions, unless the errors or omissions make the
financing statement seriously misleading.

(2)__Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3), a
financing statement that fails sufficiently to provide the name
of the debtor in accordance with section 9-1503, subsection (1)
is seriously misleading.

(3)__If a search of the records of the filing office under the
debtor's correct name, using the filing office's standard search
logic, if any, would disclose a financing statement that fails
sufficiently to provide the name of the debtor in accordance with
section 9-1503, subsection (1), the name provided does not make
the financing statement seriously misleading.

(4)__For purposes of section 9-1508, subsection (2), the
"debtor's correct name" in subsection (3) means the correct name
of the new debtor.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-402(8).

2. Errors. Like former Section 9-402(8), subsection (a)
[Maine cite subsection (1)] is in line with the policy of this
Article to simplify formal requisites and filing requirements.
It is designed to discourage the fanatical and impossibly refined
reading of statutory requirements in which courts occasionally
have indulged themselves. Subsection (a) [Maine cite subsection
(1)] provides the standard applicable to indications of
collateral. Subsections (b) and (c) [Maine cite subsections (2)
and (3)], which are new, concern the effectiveness of financing
statements in which the debtor's name is incorrect. Subsection
(b) [Maine cite subsection (2)] contains the general rule: a
financing statement that fails sufficiently to provide the
debtor's name in accordance with
Section 9-503(a) [Maine cite

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