LD 2245
pg. 316
Page 315 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 317 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

section 9-1503, subsection (1)] is seriously misleading as a
matter of law. Subsection (c) [Maine cite subsection (3)]
provides an exception: If the financing statement nevertheless
would be discovered in a search under the debtor's correct name,
using the filing office's standard search logic, if any, then as
a matter of law the incorrect name does not make the financing
statement seriously misleading. A financing statement that is
seriously misleading under this section is ineffective even if it
is disclosed by (i) using a search logic other than that of the
filing office to search the official records, or (ii) using the
filing office's standard search logic to search a data base other
than that of the filing office.

In addition to requiring the debtor's name and an indication
of the collateral, Section 9-502(a) [Maine cite section 9-1502,
subsection (1)] requires a financing statement to provide the
name of the secured party or a representative of the secured
party. Inasmuch as searches are not conducted under the secured
party's name, and no filing is needed to continue the perfected
status of security interest after it is assigned, an error in the
name of the secured party or its representative will not be
seriously misleading. However, in an appropriate case, an error
of this kind may give rise to an estoppel in favor of a
particular holder of a conflicting claim to the collateral. See
Section 1-103.

3. New Debtors. Subsection (d) [Maine cite subsection (4)]
provides that, in determining the extent to which a financing
statement naming an original debtor is effective against a new
debtor, the sufficiency of financing statement should be tested
against the name of the new debtor.

§9-1507.__Effect of certain events on effectiveness of

financing statement

(1)__A filed financing statement remains effective with
respect to collateral that is sold, exchanged, leased, licensed
or otherwise disposed of and in which a security interest or
agricultural lien continues, even if the secured party knows of
or consents to the disposition.

(2)__Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) and
section 9-1508, a financing statement is not rendered ineffective
if, after the financing statement is filed, the information
provided in the financing statement becomes seriously misleading
under section 9-1506.

(3)__If a debtor so changes its name that a filed financing
statement becomes seriously misleading under section 9-1506:

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