LD 2245
pg. 328
Page 327 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 329 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

subsection (5)]. At any point in time, all effective records
that comprise a financing statement must be examined to determine
the person or persons that have the status of secured party of

3. Successor to Secured Party of Record. Application of
other law may result in a person succeeding to the powers of a
secured party of record. For example, if the secured party of
record (A) merges into another corporation (B) and the other
corporation (B) survives, other law may provide that B has all of
A's powers. In that case, B is authorized to take all actions
under this Part that A would have been authorized to take.
Similarly, acts taken by a person who is authorized under
generally applicable principles of agency to act on behalf of the
secured party of record are effective under this Part.

§9-1512.__Amendment of financing statement

(1)__Subject to Section 9-1509, a person may add or delete
collateral covered by, continue or terminate the effectiveness of
or, subject to subsection (5), otherwise amend the information
provided in a financing statement by filing an amendment that:

(a)__Identifies, by its file number, the initial financing
statement to which the amendment relates; and

(b)__If the amendment relates to an initial financing
statement filed in a filing office described in section 9-
1501, subsection (1), paragraph (a), provides the date and
time that the initial financing statement was filed and the
information specified in section 9-1502, subsection (2).

(2)__Except as otherwise provided in section 9-1515, the
filing of an amendment does not extend the period of
effectiveness of the financing statement.

(3)__A financing statement that is amended by an amendment
that adds collateral is effective as to the added collateral only
from the date of the filing of the amendment.

(4)__A financing statement that is amended by an amendment
that adds a debtor is effective as to the added debtor only from
the date of the filing of the amendment.

(5)__An amendment is ineffective to the extent it:

(a)__Purports to delete all debtors and fails to provide the
name of a debtor to be covered by the financing statement;

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