LD 2245
pg. 329
Page 328 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 330 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(b)__Purports to delete all secured parties of record and
fails to provide the name of a new secured party of record.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former 9-402(4).

2. Changes to Financing Statements. This section addresses
changes to financing statements, including addition and deletion
of collateral. Although termination statements, assignments, and
continuation statements are types of amendment, this Article
follows former Article 9 and contains separate sections
containing additional provisions applicable to particular types
of amendments. See Section 9-513 [Maine cite section 9-1513]
(termination statements); 9-514 [Maine cite section 9-1514]
(assignments); 9-515 [Maine cite section 9-1515] (continuation
statements). One should not infer from this separate treatment
that this Article requires a separate amendment to accomplish
each change. Rather, a single amendment would be legally
sufficient to, e.g., add collateral and continue the
effectiveness of the financing statement.

3. Amendments. An amendment under this Article may identify
only the information contained in a financing statement that is
to be changed; alternatively, it may take the form of an amended
and restated financing statement. The latter would state, for
example, that the financing statement "is amended and restated to
read as follows: . . ." References in this Part to an "amended
financing statement" are to a financing statement as amended by
an amendment using either technique.

This section revises former Section 9-402(4) to permit secured
parties of record to make changes in the public record without
the need to obtain the debtor's signature. However, the filing
of an amendment that adds collateral or adds a debtor must be
authorized by the debtor or it will not be effective. See
Sections 9-509(a), 9-510(a) [Maine cite section 9-1509,
subsection (1), section 9-1510, subsection (1)].

4. Amendment Adding Debtor. An amendment that adds a debtor
is effective, provided that the added debtor authorizes the
filing. See Section 9-509(a) [Maine cite section 9-1509,
subsection (1)]. However, filing an amendment adding a debtor to
a previously filed financing statement affords no advantage over
filing an initial financing statement against that debtor and may
be disadvantageous. With respect to the added debtor, for
purposes of determining the priority of the security interest,
the time of filing is the time of the filing of the amendment,
not the time of the filing of the initial financing statement.

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