LD 2245
pg. 360
Page 359 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 361 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

statement for at least one year after lapse. During that time,
the filing office may not delete any information with respect to
a filed financing statement; it may only add information. This
approach relieves the filing office from any duty to determine
whether to substitute or delete information upon receipt of an
amendment. It also assures searchers that they will receive all
information with respect to financing statements filed against a
debtor and thereby be able themselves to determine the state of
the public record.

The filing office may maintain this information in any medium.
Subsection (b) [Maine cite subsection (2)] permits the filing
office immediately to destroy written records evidencing a
financing statement, provided that the filing office maintains
another record of the information contained in the financing
statement as required by subsection (a) [Maine cite subsection

§9-1523.__Information from filing office; sale or license of


(1)__If a person that files a written record requests an
acknowledgment of the filing, the filing office shall send to the
person an image of the record showing the number assigned to the
record pursuant to section 9-1519, subsection (1), paragraph (a)
and the date and time of the filing of the record.__However, if
the person furnishes a copy of the record to the filing office,
the filing office may instead:

(a)__Note upon the copy the number assigned to the record
pursuant to section 9-1519, subsection (1), paragraph (a)
and the date and time of the filing of the record; and

(b)__Send the copy to the person.

(2)__If a person files a record other than a written record,
the filing office shall communicate to the person an
acknowledgment that provides:

(a)__The information in the record;

(b)__The number assigned to the record pursuant to section
9-1519, subsection (1), paragraph (a); and

(c)__The date and time of the filing of the record.

(3)__The filing office shall communicate or otherwise make
available in a record the following information to any person
that requests it:

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