LD 2245
pg. 359
Page 358 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 360 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

personnel. Filing offices may and should encourage the use of
these forms by declaring them to be the "standard" (but not
exclusive) forms for each jurisdiction, albeit without in any way
suggesting that alternative forms are unacceptable.

The multi-purpose form in subsection (b) [Maine cite
subsection (2)] covers changes with respect to the debtor, the
secured party, the collateral, and the status of the financing
statement (termination and continuation). A single form may be
used for several different types of amendments at once (e.g.,
both to change a debtor's name and continue the effectiveness of
the financing statement).

§9-1522.__Maintenance and destruction of records

(1)__The filing office shall maintain a record of the
information provided in a filed financing statement for at least
one year after the effectiveness of the financing statement has
lapsed under section 9-1515 with respect to all secured parties
of record.__The record must be retrievable by using the name of
the debtor and:

(a)__If the record was filed in the filing office described
in section 9-1501, subsection (1), paragraph (a), by using
the file number assigned to the initial financing statement
to which the record relates and the date and time that the
record was filed; or

(b)__If the record was filed in the filing office described
in section 9-1501, subsection (1), paragraph (b), by using
the file number assigned to the initial financing statement
to which the record relates.

(2)__Except to the extent that a statute governing disposition
of public records provides otherwise, the filing office
immediately may destroy any written record evidencing a financing
statement.__However, if the filing office destroys a written
record, it shall maintain another record of the financing
statement that complies with subsection (1).

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-403(3), revised substantially.

2. Maintenance of Records. Section 9-523 [Maine cite section
9-1523] requires the filing office to provide information
concerning certain lapsed financing statements. Accordingly,
subsection (a) [Maine cite subsection (1)] requires the filing
office to maintain a record of the information in a financing

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